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Terms & Conditions 

Before booking onto one of our classes, please make sure you thoroughly read through these Terms and Conditions. 

These Terms form a legally binding agreement between us and you, so please make sure you are happy with everything before proceeding. If you have any questions, we will be happy to help so do not hesitate to get in touch. 

About Us 

We are a fitness class focused on Pre & Post Natal fitness. Our aim is to provide you with a fun, friendly and fitness-boosting workout to support you through your health journey. We are partnered with GlowGetters (a franchise of the Juice Plus company) that can also provide you with scientifically researched nutritional products to support you on your health journey also. 

The classes are aimed for mums-to-be or those with pre-school aged children and under however it is not exclusive, so you are welcome to attend even if your children are grown up! 

The Founder, Ria McBarrons, is a mum of 2 girls so understands first hand the journeys that we go on throughout pregnancy, post natal and beyond. Qualified in Level 2 Exercise to Music & Level 3 Award in adapting exercise for Ante & Postnatal clients, you can find comfort in knowing that you will be provided with a quality fitness class with relevant adaptations to you. 

Photographs and Marketing 

We do like to take photos of classes in action for our social media pages. If you are uncomfortable with this, please let us know and we will make sure to exclude you from the images. 

You accept that if you provide us with a testimonial (including an accompanying photograph) that this can be used on any or all our social media platforms and website. 

Your Health and Health Questionnaire (PAR-Q) 

To ensure you can participate in the classes safely, you will need to have had your post-natal check by your GP. This is usually around 6-8 weeks for a vaginal birth and 8-12 weeks post c- section. Please follow the advice of your health professional. If you get the go ahead, you’re welcome through our doors. 

Before attending your first class you will be sent a booking confirmation which will contain a physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q). We will need you to complete this and return it before the start of your first class. Unfortunately, during the COVID-19 pandemic, we will not be able to accept paper copies and we will not be carrying blank paper copies. 

If the details you provide us from your PAR-Q change part way through a course, for example a new injury, you must make your instructor aware of this before taking part in class. 

Your Information and Data Protection 

We will keep your personal contact details from these for 21 days after your final class with us, for Covid-19 NHS Test and Trace purposes. Your PAR-Q will be held securely for 6 months and will then be destroyed in compliance with data protection guidelines. 

We will use the personal information you provide to us to help you get the most out of your classes and provide you with the necessary support. We will never give out your personal information to anyone else. You will only receive emails relevant to your class. 


Our classes run alongside term time (where possible), with an offering in the summer holidays to help us keep hold of our fitness levels. The classes are booked in block sessions, the number of weeks will depend on how long that half of the school term is. It is usually 6 or 7 weeks. 

Refund Policy and Cancellations 

We appreciate that you may not be able to attend every single week, whether it be due to illness, appointments etc. We will be as flexible as possible and allow you to make up your missed class where possible. 

Please understand that we are a small business, so we may not have the capacity to move you to a different class. 

When booking onto a course, you are committing to attend for the entire length of the course and therefore we will not be able to offer a refund for any classes missed. If it turns out that you cannot attend due to injury or illness, we will freeze your space which you can take up at a later date. 

We rarely need to cancel classes ourselves, but if we do for any reason (i.e. family emergency, instructor illness), we will offer you an extra class to make up for it, usually added onto the end of the term, or a refund for the number of classes that Glow Mama Fitness has cancelled. 

Refunds will not be offered if classes are cancelled for poor weather conditions or any other ‘Acts of God’. 


Our fees are shown on the booking form and invoices. Our prices will not change part way through a course. The price will differ for each course as it will reflect how many weeks you will be booking for. All bookings are made per term and payment has to be made for the full term before a place will be reserved for you. Payments will need to be made via bank transfer or through our online booking system.

Health and Safety (including Covid-19) 

Your health and safety is important to us, and your instructor will go through a brief health and safety chat before class begins. Please ensure that you keep a close eye on your little one(s) and keep them close by. During the pandemic, we need to ensure that we make a conscious effort to adhere to social distancing guidelines. Children are curious and it is in their nature to roam around, all we ask is that you be mindful of others and pop on your mask if you do need to run after them if mask regulations are in place. Please adhere to current government guideline with regards to mask wearing. We encourage the use of hand sanitiser and proper hand washing. 

If you or your child are unwell, we ask you not to attend class until you are feeling better. For instances of COVID-19, if you are displaying symptoms, receive a positive result, or have been told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace you must inform your instructor immediately and follow government guidelines. You may return to classes after your isolation period is finished. 

Please also inform us of any infectious illnesses such as Chicken Pox, Hand Foot and Mouth and Scarlet Fever. We will need to notify the rest of the class to look out for symptoms. Please follow NHS guidelines and return to class once the illness has cleared up. 

Venues and Property Security 

The venues that we use for our classes are not used exclusively by us, so we cannot guarantee the security of any property that you bring to the class with you. Please make sure that you put it in a safe place and always keep any valuables in your possession. Please also report any damage to the venue to the instructor, if you are found responsible charges will occur. 

Updated January 2022. 

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